The DL4000 hardware platform was designed to be used as a smart Serial to Serial converter. It
comes in a DC powered Din-Rail Mountable compact cabinet for ease of portability and
installation. Standard protocols such as Modicon Modbus and Allen-Bradley’s DF1 exist
already. Other protocols and operations are easily programmed per customer’s requests.
The DL4000 has three serial channels, CHA, CHB, and CHC for intermixing protocols and
communication standards. RS232C, RS422 and RS485 are available on CHA and CHB, while
CHC only does RS232.
Configuration of the operating parameters is done quickly and easily by the DL32 V3.X for all
DL4000 models except DL4000-DMX use EQ32, both EQ32 and DL32 are windows based
software shipped with the unit or available on the Equustek Website.
Currently there are three standard DL2000 products available to allow access to A-B’s DH+ network; also many other customized ASCII protocol interfaces have been done. Contact
Equustek Solutions to see if the DL2000 is the correct device for your communication needs.
The DL4000-DMX is a two port device that bridges your Modicon Modbus devices to ones
using the DF1 protocol. The DMX can either be used as Modbus Master or Slave as well as
having both Modbus ASCII and RTU protocols.
The DL4000-DFX is a three port DF1 device. This will allow Two DF1 devices to talk to one
CH0 of a PLC or SLC. The ability to intermix Half-Duplex and Full Duplex, or RS232 and
RS422 greatly improves the effectiveness of the PLC’s CH0 programming port.
The DL4000-MMX allows Modbus RTU devices to communicate with multiple Modbus ASCII
The DL4000-DAS interfaces Serial ASCII devices (Scanners/Printers) to A-B's DF1 protocol.
The DL4000-MAS interfaces Serial ASCII Scanners to Modicon’s Modbus Protocol. The
DL4000-MAS acts as a Modbus Master device and writes the ASCII data to a specific register in
a specified slave device.
CHA and CHB have full RS232C, as well as both RS422 4 wire and RS485 2 wire modes. Both
channels have the ability of being configured with asynchronous speeds upto 230.4 KBaud
CHC has a 3 wire RS232 interface (TX, RX, GND) and is capabable of speeds upto 38.4 KBaud
Currently DF1, Modbus, and ASCII are the supported protocols. Custom ones are easily
implemented. Both CRC 16 and BCC error checking can be implemented; custom error
checking can be added at the customer’s request.
Simple Parameter Configuration using menu driven Windows (95/98/ME/XP/NT/2000) based
Program via RS-232 Cable.
Configuration and Reset Pushbuttons to setup online configuration parameters and do a full
Hardware Reset
Operating Parameters are stored in Non-Volatile Serial EEPROM
The DL4000 uses FLASH upgradeable firmware from the configuration Software.
Bi-Color (Green/Red) LED’s for each communication channel indicates activity and status.
Green POWER LED indicates power on.