This quick start is to help you get started with your DLPCIe using RSLINX.
1. Check the Comm Port that has been set by the driver ( For Windows
XP please use the 1st one of the two occupied by the card in the
Device Manager as shown below, please note for Windows7 use the
2nd one ). Will be needed in step 8.
Windows XP device manager showing the DLPCIe serial ports.
Windows 7 device manager showing the DLPCIe serial ports.
2. Start RSLINX
3. Select Configure Drivers
4. Choose RS-232 DF1 Devices from the Available Driver Types
5. Click on Add New
6. Type in a name for the driver or use the default
7. Click OK.
8. Select the Comm Port number that has been set by the driver (Use the one you found in step1).
9. Select 1770-KF2 device for the DLPCIe-DH+ or 1770-KF3 for the DLPCIe-DH-485.
10. Click on Auto-Configure, it should come up with (Auto Configuration
Successful) and settings something like what you see above
11. Click OK.
The RSLINX Driver is now configured. RSWHO should show all the nodes
on your DH+ or DH-485 network as shown below.