To configure the DLPCI you need the DL32 configuration software installed. Insert the Equustek
CD. The selection screen should start up automatically. If it does not start automatically, select
Run from the Start Menu and enter “D:\Autorun.exe” where “D” is the drive letter of your CD
From the selection screen, choose Install Software → Install DL32 Configuration Software →
Install Latest DL32 Software to install the latest version of DL32.
To run the DL32 software, Press the Start Button (bottom left of screen) then select Programs →
Equustek Solutions Inc. → DL32.
Before Starting the DL32 Configuration Software, find out what COM port has been assigned to
the DLPCI. To do this, open the Device Manager (from the Control Panel, select System, then
on the Hardware tab in the System Properties window, select Device Manager). Under Ports
(COM & LPT) you will see the COM port assigned to the DLPCI.
From the DL32 Welcome Screen, click on the DL-PCI button.
Ensure the SERIAL NUMBER of your DLPCI is greater than 20107, if not then you need to use
the older DL32 Version 2.03 (can be downloaded from our Equustek website under download).
From the DL32 Main Menu, select the COM Port that has been assigned to the DLPCI.
Click on DL Offline manager
Click on ok after you press the configure pushbutton on the DLPCI card.
Here just hit the enter key to make sure you have are communicating with the card and you can
see the menu as shown below.
Click on return to main menu, and then click the Configure/Open File button.
Select the Network Protocol (based on the model of DLPCI you have ordered). DH+ or DH485.
In AB network parameters select the card Data highway node address number, and your Data
Highway network baud rate.
As for DF1 set the emulated serial bus speed and click on Set DF1 Advanced Parameters.
Here select parameters shown below for DF1 protocol settings. Typical users will want to leave
the settings at their default values.
In an example here we set the node address to 40 octal and DH+ 57.6KBuad and 115.2K baud
serial DF1 speed, after setting all the parameters click on download to DL
Press the pushbutton switch on the card if you have not done that yet and click on ok.
Wait until you see A OK transmission received by DataLink as shown below.
Close the program and restart the PC to set your DF1 driver.