
DL4500-EDH+ STD with IGS demo reading data from PLC5 using Ethernet Encapsulated DF1 driver.

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In this example we are reading 5 words from integer file 7 starting at word0

Also reading 5 words from floating file F8 starting at word 0.

IP address of the DL4500 is

Node address of the DL4500 on DH+ is 60 decimal ( last octet of the IP address).

Node address of the PLC5 on DH+ is 7 in this application need to be in decimal.

Node address of the DL4500 on DH+ network is its last Octet in decimal, here it is 60.

Here Node address of the PLC5 is 7 please note that this should be in decimal.

For DL4500 STD Telnet settings please see in the link below or just search on YouTube DL4500.
